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Earn passive income by using your referral link to help others create their own app!


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Dashboard overview

Let founder Matthew walk you through the ins and outs of editing your app


Building your app

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How to manage customers


Create pricing & coupons


How to have a successful launch (example)

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News & Events

New features and news surrounding your app.


- New features for courses
Improved user interface for checking off lessons & a new text editor with embedding

- New options for embedding
Now you can embed websites within the app & redirect to them outside the app & embed social media code for easy browsing within your app (commonly used for Instagram/twitter/Pinterest.

- New sign-up form features

Create "free" sign-up forms alongside your paid forms and choose from more frequency options for payments.

- Customers tab

- You can still track your analytics on Stripe, but you can now easily cancel or edit members within your dashboard.


Report a bug

Something not working right?

Let us fix it in record timing by filling out this form.

How to Create an Android Developer Account

How to Create an Apple Developer Account

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